Product selection
How does Launchpad stack up?
Year 1 | Year 2 | Launchpad 24 Months |
Initial Cost | 66000 | - | 33000 |
Drone Cert | 825 | 825 | Included |
Pilot Cert | 1650 | 589 | Included |
OCA | 650 | 650 | Included |
To Fly Under Our 102 | 3500 | 3500 | Included |
Exposition Creation | 5000 | 850 | Included |
OneReg | 3000 | 3000 | Included |
Drone Annual Service | 4500 | 4500 | Included |
Drone Training | 1500 | - | Included |
Chemical Cert | 4500 | 800 | Included |
Chemical Cert Practical | 850 | 850 | Included |
Drone Rental While Serviced | 4000 | 4000 | Included |
EOY Cost 24mnth lease @$3300 month | - | - | 79200 |
Total 24Mth Cost | - | 110689 | 112200 |
Equipment included
Item | QTY |
P100 pro agricultural drone | 1 |
Hydraulic spray system | 1 |
Revocast p3 spreader unit | 1 |
Agricultural remote controller3 arc3 | 1 |
SuperCharger Generator | 2 |
P-series smart battery | 6 |
Battery cooling tank | 2 |
Cm12500p wall charger | 1 |
Next steps
- If you have any questions at all, please let us know. We're happy to clarify any points and there may be some items that we can sort out together. We're committed to finding the best way to work together.
- Then let us know you would like to start the process of applying for the Launchpad lease by signing in the box that pops up to confirm. We will then start the process of checking your eligibility. Please note that signing this document does not commit either Aerolab or yourselves to entering into any business relationship or leasing arrangement.
- Once we receive notification of your acceptance, we'll contact you to sort out the next steps and get the project rolling
- The first step will be a meeting in order to discuss the details of the lease
- We will draft up a lease agreement and run you through the details until you are happy you have understood the terms. It's really important to us that everything is transparent and understood from the beginning so that we lay a solid foundation for a great working relationship.
- If you'd like to speak to us by phone, don't hesitate to call
Note: all prices exclude GST
Item/Service | Description |
Initial Cost | Launchpad gives you a lower entry cost and allows the drone to pay for itself sooner. |
Drone Cert | CAA requires your drone to be certified by an approved organisation. |
Pilot Cert | Before you can fly a big drone, you need an RPAS cert for a smaller drone. |
OCA (Operational Competency Assessment) | In order to fly a drone over 25kg, you need to be assessed for your competency of the drone, regulations, and exposition. |
Fly Under Our 102 | Drones over 25kg are covered by CAA Part 102, which requires you to document how you will operate your drone safely. This document is called an exposition and will need to be approved by CAA. |
OneReg | OneReg is UAV Compliance Management Software that helps manage the operations and compliance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), with a specific focus on UAV operators in the agricultural sector. It enables real-time compliance as laid out in Part 102 of the Civil Aviation Rules, including writing and managing certification documentation, live tracking of approvals, and tracking changes in documentation and their effects. |
Drone Annual Service | Drones approved to fly under the exposition will need to be serviced every year to ensure safety and avoid mishaps. |
Drone Training | In order to be ready to pass your OCA, you will need to have a day of training on the bigger drones. |
Chemical Certification | Applying chemicals using a drone requires certification in the handling, storage, and application of chemicals. |
Chemical Certification Competency | You will need to show your competency with chemical handling and application. |
Drone Rental While Serviced | You do not want to be without a drone while it is being serviced. |